Web Design Competition
In celebration of E-Business Celebration 2010, Web Designing Contest is launched with the concept of promoting Gensan’s ICT Entrepinoys to focus on Creative Services and BPO in GensanContest Mechanics:
- Contest is open to all residents of Region 12.
- The Contest is to design a web site reflecting given theme.
- Participants will be given literature about the theme raw data for their web contents.
- Web pages should be at least 7 pages; each page lacking will be deducted 5 points from the total score.
- Codes allowed are HTML, Cascading Style Sheet (CSS), JavaScript or XML.
- Entries must be submitted in a cd/dvd copy.
- Deadline of submission of entries will be on November 15, 2010 3 pm at ISA 12 GSC Office located c/o DTI Office South Osmeña St. General Santos City. Entries after the cut-off time will be disqualified.
- Information should be enclosed with the entry, printed on separate paper.
- Title of entry
- Location and Event
- Participant’s name and signature
- School/Business
- Address/ Telephone No.
- E-mail address
- Judging will take place on the e-Biz culmination and which result will be announced on the awarding on November 18, 2010.
- A panel of judges will consist of three (3) members
Judging criteria
- Content - 40%
- Design - 30%
- Usability - 20%
- Functionality - 10%
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