Tuesday, November 2, 2010

Web Design Competition

In celebration of E-Business Celebration 2010, Web Designing Contest is launched with the concept of promoting Gensan’s ICT Entrepinoys to focus on Creative Services and BPO in Gensan

Contest Mechanics:

  1. Contest is open to all residents of Region 12.
  2. The Contest is to design a web site reflecting given theme.
  3. Participants will be given literature about the theme raw data for their web contents.
  4. Web pages should be at least 7 pages; each page lacking will be deducted 5 points from the total score.
  5. Codes allowed are HTML, Cascading Style Sheet (CSS), JavaScript or XML.
  6. Entries must be submitted in a cd/dvd copy.
  7. Deadline of submission of entries will be on November 15, 2010 3 pm at ISA 12 GSC Office located c/o DTI Office South Osmeña St. General Santos City. Entries after the cut-off time will be disqualified.
  8. Information should be enclosed with the entry, printed on separate paper.
      1. Title of entry
      2. Location and Event
      3. Participant’s name and signature
      4. School/Business
      5. Address/ Telephone No.
      6. E-mail address

  • Judging will take place on the e-Biz culmination and which result will be announced on the awarding on November 18, 2010.
  • A panel of judges will consist of three (3) members

Judging criteria

  • Content - 40%
  • Design - 30%
  • Usability - 20%
  • Functionality - 10%


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